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Loch Ness Musings


Tuesday 24 August 2010

Wood wasps

So there I was on Sunday stuck up a ladder again hanging on with one hand and painting with the other, when this very large wasp comes buzzing by my head. I thought it had dissappeared until Fiona shouts up 'There is a big wasp thing on your back'. At this point I decided to descend, but I need not have worried because it was a wood wasp (or Horntail as they are also known). We get quite a number around here at Evergreen and although they look ferocious they are infact harmless and do not sting. Up to 4cm long the female wood wasps lay their eggs in trees. The larvae bore into the wood and live in the tree for up to 3 years. Here is a photo of one that Fiona took some time ago


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