Hazelgrove self catering accommodation overlooking Loch Ness in the Highlands of Scotland
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Loch Ness Musings


Saturday, 2 June 2012


Another beautiful day here on Loch Ness. The sun has been shining all day and with  the wild  rhododendrons in full bloom, the bluebells at their best, deep yellow coloured wood poppies everywhere and the delicate  white of 'snow in summer' clinging to border edges , the garden is looking at its best. It is often said and its true, when the sun shines the landscape colours of Scotland are at their finest in May.
However, we have not been sitting about today but rather have embarked upon a long overdue job.... painting the outside of Hazelgrove. Painting is not my favourite task, in fact I hate it, but needs must  and at 9am Fiona and I were out, paint brushes in hand, ready for action (with no hint of rain to get me out of it !) Six hours later and I'm pleased to say that we have managed to paint two sides of the house and I must say, what an improvement! If the weather is good tomorrow perhaps we'll do more and try and finish it. Then again I'm sure I have something else on tomorrow...


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