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Loch Ness Musings


Sunday 10 January 2010

Back home

Finally back home to Evergreen after a long extended holiday in the USA and Canada! Yes, we escaped this Christmas to the warmth of Florida and..the freezing cold of the Canadian Rockies - which of course was perfect preparation for returning to Loch Ness! We arrived home at 1am in the morning on Friday to over two feet of snow and the temperature gauge in the car reading -12C. As a result the weekend has been spent 'digging out' Evergreen, and I mean digging out - the weight of snow on the decking around the house was such that I felt it necessary to clear it resulting in piles of snow almost 5ft deep around part of the house!. Icicles several feet in length reach down from the gutters which are bending under the weight! However despite this, it is all incredibly picturesque. I'll post some photos later this week when we finally get out.


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