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Loch Ness Musings


Thursday 14 January 2010

Snow fun anymore!

Ok, I know we are all now getting throughly fed up with the snow, particularly as it is beginning to melt, but if this is to be a 'once in 30 years 'occurence we need to remember it if not cherish it. So, here are a few photos from around Evergeen! The first image is of the road up Glenlia behind Evergreen. Normally a beautiful little country road it has been impassable for weeks now! The second photo is of the main road up the Pass of Inverfarigaig. I am reliably informed that 67 trees have come down due to the weight of snow on this short 2 mile stretch and I'm sure more will fall as the snow melts - which in the Pass is very slow as it does not get any direct sunlight between November and March. Perhaps we'll know better by July the damage here! Thirdly, a nice snowy photo of Evergeen and finally the decking where in the heat of summer our guests are able to eat alfresco....


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