Hazelgrove self catering accommodation overlooking Loch Ness in the Highlands of Scotland
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Loch Ness Musings


Sunday 21 March 2010

Fairhaven Self catering

It must be spring - on Wednesday we went down to our holiday letting cottage at Fairhaven, Colintraive on the Kyles of Bute to put our little boat in the water again for the season. However,by the time we got there it was a bit windy, Thursday was even worse and so it was Friday when with still strong gusts blowing we launched the boat with some trepidation. It was not that the boat was in any danger but rather that Fiona and I ran a high risk of being tossed out of the tender and in to the sea as we moored the boat just off the shore ! Anyway job done and hopefully now some pleasant summer days to be spent enjoying the pleasures of chugging around the Kyles. Here are a couple of photos of said tender and boat taken on a much better day last summer!


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