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Loch Ness Musings


Monday 15 February 2010

Into the wilds...

As may of you who read this blog will know, I enjoy my running but over winter I generally take it a bit easy. It's not that I don't like going out in bad weather it's just I guess I use it as an excuse sometimes to be just plain lazy. Well, this Saturday past I certainly wasn't that! Tempted by Ed suggesting a good run further up in to the Monaliath Mountains than I had ever been before, we set out from Loch Killin at about 12 noon. It was a good clear, crisp day with the promise of some blue sky later on. I was keen and up for it. Twenty -six kilometres and over four hours later we had completed a fabulous circuit deep and high in to the mountains. I was, to put it mildly, rather tired but blown away by the most amazing wild winter landscape that we passed through. Not an environment to be ventured in to lightly, but if you have ( or in my case go with someone who has!) the navigation skills and take sensible precautions winter running like this is unbeatable. What a day !! Attached are four excellent photos taken by Ed (Ley-Wilson)


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