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Loch Ness Musings


Monday 5 April 2010

Mountain Hares

Out twice this weekend for runs in the Monaliath Mountains. After the recent heavy snow, the views from the plateau high above Loch Ness and the surrounding countryside are absolutely fantastic. Yesterday as I staggered up through the snow to a lonely summit, a white mountain hare was sitting looking out over the landscape, as if surveying his territory for intruders. A beautiful animal, the mountain hare (also known as the blue hare) changes colour between summer and winter in order to camouflage itself against predators. Often it can weigh up to 7lbs and reach a hieght of just over 2ft. There are large numbers in the Monaliaths but it is only in winter that I see them regularly. Eventually yesterday when I got too close, this mountain hare gave me a disdainful look and then scampered off, no doubt to another good viewpoint from which to watch out over his world...


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