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Loch Ness Musings


Friday 27 August 2010

Timothy Spall on Loch Ness

Yesterday actor Timothy Spall and his wife Shane visited Loch Ness and today they have been filming on the loch as part of their adventures for 'Spalls At Sea', a documentary about life aboard their 50 foot Barge as they travel around the coast of Britain.
Loch Ness RNLI Lifeboat supported the event. Tim and Shane are great supporters of the RNLI and have been calling in at RNLI stations and meeting the volunteers as they travel.
Loch Ness has been a very much anticipated highlight for the duo and they plan to be in the area for the Glen Urquhart Games and Gathering on Saturday.
However, being of a certain age, I will forever associate Tim with the character Barry in the 1980's TV series Auf Wiedersehen Pet!


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