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Loch Ness Musings


Tuesday 26 May 2009

Mouse surprising

Couldn't believe this morning..looked out the kitchen window and who is as the bird feeder -not a bird, not a squirrel, but a long tailed field mouse! Fiona got the camera and took this photo of this most endearing of mice with its enormous ears and eyes for it's size.

I think though that it was taking a chance being this high off the ground and exposed to the odd passing sparrow hawk out for a tasty morsel... Usually we watch the field mice, shrews and voles scuttling around the base of the bird feeder and our previous cats used to keep the numbers down. However our present old cat, Kerry, (aged 17) shows no interest in such activity prefering instead to...sleep, eat, wander around a bit and then, yes, sleep again. What a life!


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