Hazelgrove self catering accommodation overlooking Loch Ness in the Highlands of Scotland
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Loch Ness Musings


Tuesday 12 May 2009

Work can wait....

One of the great benefits of living and working here on the shores of Loch Ness is that when the sun shines it's very easy just to take a couple of hours off and enjoy. Today has been such a day - glorious sunshine sparkling off the waters of the loch - too much to resist! So late afternoon it was time for another run off up in to the Monalhiath Mountains with friend Ed. After a brutal ascent ( for me at least!) from the summit we were rewarded with amazing views in all directions -Scotland in all it's splendour stretched out before us from the snow-capped mountains in the west to the Moray Firth in the east. Truly life affirming !


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