Hazelgrove self catering accommodation overlooking Loch Ness in the Highlands of Scotland
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Loch Ness Musings


Monday 22 June 2009

Something different to do....

The Highlands of Scotland as we all know, are of outstanding natural beauty and over the years I have experienced the Highlands from many different perspectives and in all types of weather but this past weekend was new even to me..
Every year there is a 95 mile ultra race the length of the West Highland Way from Milngavie in Glasgow to Fort Willilam in the Highlands. This year my brother and his wife from Canada took part. It did not all go to plan and as a result, to cut a long story short, I ended up walking 45 miles in 16 hours overnight from Bridge of Orchy to Fort William! Now this was quite an experience physically to say the least, but worth it all for the new perspective on the scenery en route.... walking up over the Devil's Staircase in Glencoe at 1am in the morning with a very pale light still in the sky is really something quite special. Add in the views east to the Blackwater Reservoir ( the first hydro scheme in the UK built back in 1905-1906), west across to Ben Nevis and behind us the grey mass of Buachaille Etive Mor - awesome......


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