Hazelgrove self catering accommodation overlooking Loch Ness in the Highlands of Scotland
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Loch Ness Musings


Wednesday 15 July 2009

Digital Photo Frames

Ever since we started here at Evergreen we have had photo albums in each of our bedrooms to give guests a feel for the area throughout the seasons. However, we have recently changed these for new digital photo frames on which we can display more photographs for guests and change them regularly. Yesterday we were putting them together, searching through masses of photos stored on our PC. Have to say it was a rather labourious process but we now have 50 photos on each of the frames which I think really will give visitors a true feeling for what it is like at different times of the year here on Loch Ness. We have included a few 'extreme' ones because we often get asked, do you get much snow, can the loch be really rough, to which we answer yes but to which we can now add.. check out the photos in your room and you will see what we mean!


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