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Loch Ness Musings


Saturday 4 July 2009

Soft Fruit delight...

It is not widely known outside the Highlands that the area immediately north of Inverness, called the Black isle(although it is not an island!) is well known for it's soft fruit.. raspberries, strawberries, blackcurrants, gooseberries, redcurrants.. you name it they grow it! Having spent my childhood years living on a fruit farm in Perthshire, I just can't resist any of them - as soon as I see a punnet of fresh local strawberries I just have to buy them - I simply can't resist the fresh outdoor smell of good Scottish strawberries!! And today my luck was in as guests staying at Evergreen returned from their day out with a punnet of strawberries for Fiona and I. Very kind of them but little do they know that Fiona will not see any of them... well may be one or two.

Roll on the raspberries in a couple of weeks time!


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