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Loch Ness Musings


Sunday 16 August 2009

The trees, the trees..

For those not aware, here at Evergreen we nestle amongst the woods looking out over Loch Ness. It is an idilic location and we never grow tired of it, but being surrounded on three sides by trees has its drawbacks Mainly it has to be said, because not only do trees grow, and therefore reduce our views, but in the case of coniferous trees up to 2ft per year! As a result over summer I'm constantly out with my powersaw trimming back branches and trying to keep it all under control. For the most part I manage but this year I feel I'm loosing a battle -the growth of trees and the undergrowth has been phenomenal. No doubt this has something to do with global warming but in the meantime I feel that one day I'm going to come home from Inverness to a tree growing up through the centre of Evergreen!!


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