Hazelgrove self catering accommodation overlooking Loch Ness in the Highlands of Scotland
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Loch Ness Musings


Thursday 3 September 2009

Running in the rain

Took an hour out of my schedule today to go out for a run with my friend Ed. We decided to do the Foyers circular which starts from Evergreen and is a popular walk for many of our guests. The route rises sharply from Evergreen, goes over the top of the hill before descending down to the loch shoreline and back to the house. It is a beautiful trail and well worth doing. Today however, as we set off, it was raining heavily and I had some trepidation about it, particularly as we decided to do it in reverse and hence faced quite a brutal uphill run! But you know what, it was fantastic - running through the lush green woods with it all to ourselves - truly invigorating in every sense! By the time we got back we were soaked through and covered in mud but thinking heh what's a bit of rain...


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