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Loch Ness Musings


Thursday 21 January 2010

Glendoe Hydro Scheme

I read with interest today (www.nce.co.uk ) that engineering contractor Nuttall, is poised to carry out repairs on the Glendoe Hydro scheme following the collapse last year of one of the vital tunnels which takes water from high up in the Monadhliath Mountains down to Loch Ness. I remember when it happened there was a sense of disbelief that such a catastrophic failure could have occured so soon after completion of the project. Fiona and I were fortunate enough to have visited the scheme when it was still being constructed back in 2008 and we were very impressed by not only the scale of the project but the obvious technical skills that had to be applied to ensure success! According to the article it would seem that the geology of the area may have been a contributing factor in the collapse.
Attached are some photos from our visit. The first shows the 11km road up to the reservoir from Fort Augustus, the second part of the dam and the third, the construction site in the middle of the nowhere!


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