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Loch Ness Musings


Wednesday 28 April 2010

Badgers at Evergreen??

Seems like we might possibly have a badger set near us here at Evergreen. A couple of our guests went for a walk the other night and were surprised to catch in the beam of their powerful torch a badger making it's way across our drive. It's not the first time badgers have been seen around Evergreen - there are infact large numbers in the area around us. Last year one even had the audacity to steal from the bird feeder right outside our kitchen window! The year before two were regular visitors to Hazelgrove next to Evergreen. However, the largest badgers set I have ever seen is in a secluded location a few miles from Evergreen. I don't know how old the set is but if you wish to watch badgers this is the place to go....


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