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Loch Ness Musings


Sunday 18 April 2010

Is it really spring?

Lovely spring day I thought this morning. Time for a good long run up in the hills, stretch the legs and savour the day. So off I set from Evergreen,up the Pass of Inverfarigaig and onwards towards the Monahliaths. I gazed up at the hills and it was at this point that I began to question how much of a spring day it really was - there was a fresh dusting of snow! Not to be detered I carried on upwards, it was getting colder but nothing out of the ordinary. It was only when I reached the summit that things changed rapidly, a cold wind from the east swept in and yes, it started snowing! Wearing only minimum protection from the elements I decided enough was enough and made a rapid descent. Ah.. the joys of Spring in Scotland!


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