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Loch Ness Musings


Wednesday 1 September 2010

Big cats in the Highlands

The local newspaper today carries a story about the sighting of a possible panther up in Dornoch about an hour north of Inverness. Apparently the animal has been seen twice in the past week in the local caravan park! Could it be true - possibly - but there have been plenty other sightings of 'big cats' in the Highlands over the years which have as it were come to nothing except one that is... In 1980 a female puma was captured at Cannich 14 miles north of Loch Ness. She was christened 'Felicity' and lived for a further 5 years at the Kingussie Wildlife Park. To read more and hear a recording of her purring in her cage follow this link http://www.ambaile.org.uk/en/item/item_audio.jsp?item_id=38933


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