Hazelgrove self catering accommodation overlooking Loch Ness in the Highlands of Scotland
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Loch Ness Musings


Friday, 19 November 2010

Gold Award

Delighted this week to be informed that Evergreen has achieved the prestigious VisitScotland Gold Award.
The gold stars are a recent addition to the VisitScotland quality awards. The gold star award has been introduced to highlight establishments within the Quality Assurance Scheme that strive to exceed customer expectations on an on-going basis, whilst taking an innovative and proactive approach to customer care.
The perfect end to another good year....

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Mountain Magic

Beautiful late autumn day here on Loch Ness - cold but bright and sunny. So good that mid afternoon I took myself off up in to the Monadliaths for a run up Ben Vurich. A dusting of snow at lower levels made the first part of the track quite treacherous, but as I approached the plateau close to the summit there was a good 3 inches of hard packed snow and although bitterly cold, very wild and beautiful! Red deer drifted in large numbers across this stark landscape one minute standing out clear against the snow, the next gone. As I came back down the sun was setting and with light behind me it was absolutely fantastic - I only wish I had had my camera with me! Moments like these are why we think living and working here on Loch Ness is the best place in the world....


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