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Loch Ness Musings


Sunday, 24 April 2011

Happy Easter!

A happy Easter to one and all from the sunny and Spring weather shores of Loch Ness! Yes, Spring is definitely here and around us at Evergreen the flowers and trees are bursting forth. The wild yellow primroses have finally decided it is warm enough to to come out, and our roadside verges are covered with these wonderful flowers. The rhododendrons are bursting forth as too is the wild broom with it's colourful also yellow flowers And as for the spruce and fir trees it's as if they have been given an extra strong growth hormone!

Friday, 15 April 2011

Green Award?

Back in February you may remember that I blogged the news that Evergreen has been shortlisted for one of the Green Tourism Business Scheme 10 GOLDSTAR awards to be presented during Green Tourism Week 6th – 13th June 2011. At that time,we were one of the top 40 highest scoring Green Tourism businesses from a total of 400 GOLD businesses graded during 2010. Well, now we are one of the top 20 and have been invited to the awards ceremony which will be held in the Royal Thames Yacht Club, London on 9th June, when the winners will be announced!!. Naturally we are delighted and judging by the other finalists we are in esteemed company and we are now officially in the top 2% of green tourism businesses in the UK!

Sunday, 10 April 2011

Night Owl's

In my 'other job' I work for Destination Loch Ness and this week as part of the PR activity we undertake for Loch Ness & Inverness, we had the pleasure of Newcastle's Metro radio Night Owl's show with Alan Robson, broadcasting live from Inverness for three nights . Alan has been doing the show now for decades and Night Owl’s is Britain’s most listened to talk show, beating all comers by a mile. So, it was a real pleasure for me to have 5 minutes of 'fame' on his show talking with Alan about Boleskine Graveyard and Aleister Crowley no less (not your average radio show this!) Alan also did interviews with other local people over the course of the three nights and in doing so gave the area a big shout to listeners. So thanks Alan and I suggest strongly that everyone listen in to his show.... your life will never be quite the same!! For more info go to www.metroradio.co.uk

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Coco the cat

As many will be aware, we have a cat called Coco who is very friendly. This week her furry feline friend Tabitha has come to stay at Evergreen while her owners are on holiday. This has prompted some showing off by Coco including posing as a lampshade. It has also on the otherhand, resulted in her being banned from the house for bringing in a 'present' at an inappropriate time. Her friend goes home tomorrow and we expect a return to more predictable behaviour


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