Hazelgrove self catering accommodation overlooking Loch Ness in the Highlands of Scotland
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Loch Ness Musings


Sunday 12 September 2010

Best views over Loch Ness

Out for a run today on one of my favourite circuits. From Evergreen I head up what we call 'The Corkscrew', past the towering rocky mass of Dun Dearduil and then on to Balchraggan Farm. Just past the farm I turn on to a forestry track and head up to the summit of 'The Fair Haired Lads Pass' at almost 1200ft. It is from here that you have quite simply some of the best views down over Loch Ness. And yet, because so few people know of this trail, even fewer get to experience it. So, if you are coming to stay with us at Evergreen soon and like walking this is a good one to do. After the summit the trail drops down to the road along the loch side and from here it is a mere 4 miles back to Evergreen! Here are two photos from the top of the Fair Haired Lads Pass


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