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Loch Ness Musings


Sunday 13 September 2009

Autumn in the air

Big day today - my last long run (20 miles) before I run the Baxters Loch Ness Marathon ( www.lochnessmarathon.com) for the sixth consecutive year. It went ok although I was pretty tired at the end. However, when you are running through beautiful scenery the pain is worth it(or so I keep telling myself!) The stretch from Whitebridge down to Foyers is my favourite stretch as it passes through mixed woodland and today it was very clear that autumn is in the air. The birch tree leaves are turning yellow and the bracken is now mostly a rich browny yellow. I saw a few deer and of course red squirrels frantically gathering hazelnuts. Even the weather was autumnal - not rain but just pleasant, dry and not too warm.


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