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Loch Ness Musings


Thursday 8 October 2009

Aleister Crowley & Boleskine House

I read again, that another plot of land close to Boleskine House, just along the road from Evergreen, is up for sale. Boleskine house was the home of the infamous Aleister Crowley for 15 years at the beginning of the 20thC. By the 1960's the house had gained a terrible reputation as a place of evil where bad things happened - no surprise then that the house was bought by Jimmy Page of Led Zeppelin. As it happens, it was my best friend's father that sold the house to Page and I remember vividly as an impressionable teenager, passing by the house and almost being unable to look at it such was the feeling of evil that surrounded it !!
Fortunately that is not the case now - today it is a beautiful house with wonderful views over Loch Ness.... and Boleskine Graveyard.


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