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Loch Ness Musings


Sunday 11 October 2009

South Side Trail

As some of you may know, aside from running Evergreen with Fiona my 'other' job is heading up an organisation called Destination Loch Ness whose aim is basically to improve the tourism product in the Loch Ness area. At present one potential project we are involved in is to create a walking/horse riding trail that extends from Fort Augustus all the way to Inverness. Today as it was a beautiful autumn day, I headed off in to the wilds to check out part of the proposed route...and what can I say - if it happens it will be fantastic ! The section I walked was near to Whitebridge and follows the side of a small meandering river with plenty opportunities for picnicing, before rising up on to a glacial terrace with the remains of a settlement probably dating back to the 18thC.
Hopefully the photos give some idea of it!


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