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Loch Ness Musings


Tuesday 2 February 2010

Rockness Tickets

Once again in June at Dores on Loch Ness we have Rockness Music Festival. This has fast become one of 'the' outdoor music festivals in the UK. Why? Simple - great music, (for those a bit younger than myself! - although the headline group this year are The Strokes who recently received 'Album of the Decade' by NME for 'Is this it' ) the great back drop of Loch Ness and the fact that it is held the week before midsummer - up here on Loch Ness it only gets truely dark for about 3-4 hours at this time of year.
So, great news then that this year in addition to the usual sources, fans can buy tickets directly and locally at http://www.visitlochness.com/event.php?event=76
Not only that, there is no difference in price from the main ticket websites. So if you are thinking of going why not support the destination and buy locally!


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