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Loch Ness Musings


Friday 30 April 2010

Listen to the silence

'Listen to the Silence' as many of you will be aware, is our marketing strapline for Evergreen and very effective and true it is. Over the years many guests have commented on the fact that it is often so quiet you can 'listen to the silence'. However I guess because I live here I forget about it and don't appreciate it as much as I should. However this evening I went for a short run through the woods and around the Falls of Foyers and maybe because it has been such a beautiful evening and I was taking it all in, but I was very aware of the peace and silence. Even down by the village of Lower Foyers the only sounds were lambs and the cooing wood pidgeons. On up the gorge of the falls and the only sound was that of my own heavy breathing....


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