Hazelgrove self catering accommodation overlooking Loch Ness in the Highlands of Scotland
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Loch Ness Musings


Wednesday 20 May 2009

Aside from our businesses Evergreen B&B and self catering Hazelgrove which is next door to Evergreen, (http://www.hazelgrovelochness.co.uk/) I'm also executive director of an organisation called Destination Loch Ness. It is essentially an organisation which aims to improve the visitor experience of Loch Ness by working in partnership with the public and private sector. This week we are running a series of events for businesses and today I took part in one such event, an IT one appropriately named 'Techie-Ness' down at the Lovat Arms Hotel, Fort Augustus ( http://www.lovatarms-hotel.com/) Great hotel which has been restored and taken to new levels over the past few years by the Gregory family. It also 'hides' a real piece of history- just to the side of the carpark is a small almost forlorn looking stretch of wall complete with gun embrasures that is actually all that remains of the origonal 'Fort Augustus' built in 1718..


Anonymous Caroline said...

Thanks for a great day Graeme! It was certainly interesting to hear about your business development - bring on 2009!

20 May 2009 at 23:07  

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