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Loch Ness Musings


Monday 10 May 2010

Farigaig Woods

Fiona and I take the woods that almost surround us here at Evergreen for granted. They are simply part of our everyday life. We walk in them almost every day, we hear the birds and wildlife in them every day and we can't look out a window without looking to some extent in to the woods. Yesterday I went out for an early morning run with a few friends and for a change we chose simply to run some of the tracks through the woods. The sun was shining as we chatted and jogged along enjoying each others company. We didn't pass another person and then close to the end of our jaunt, we reached a viewpoint looking down across the woods to a serene flat calm Loch Ness. We all stopped and gazed - it really was absolutely beautiful. One of these moments when you think this is it, this is what life should be about, experiencing the natural environment at it's very best..


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