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Loch Ness Musings


Friday 14 May 2010

The weather

What would we do if we didn't have the weather to talk about ! Mind you, there has certainly been plenty to talk about this year and now.. well unless it starts to rain for a month we are in for a very dry summer. I was down the west coast at our Fairhaven cottage for a couple of days this week and on the way down I couldn't help but notice how little growth and colour there is in the hillsides. Not only that, the rivers and resevoirs are already very low. Doubt we will ever reach hosepipe bans as like elsewhere in the UK or have to start pumping water from Loch Ness but who knows.
Until relatively recently the water supply for Inverfarigaig came from a small, beautiful little loch half a mile from us here at Evergreen. We call it the 'Secret Loch' because unless you know where to look it is not the easiest to find. Use of it stopped because it kept drying up ! Attached is a photo of it taken in February!


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