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Loch Ness Musings


Sunday 23 May 2010

Garden hell

It always happens at this time of year but it never ceases to succeed in stressing me out. Just when I think I've got Evergreen and Hazelgrove gardens under control for the season, bang, within the space of a week all hell breaks loose. The grass starts to grow as if its been fed growth hormones, the weeds spring up everywhere - big, ugly and determined not to be removed. And just to really annoy me midgees are beginning to appear so that when you are making progress of an evening and the garden is beginning to look ok for a further few days, you get bitten to blazes for your troubles. I would get a gardener to help me out if I could but they are few and far between around Loch Ness! Perhaps I should consider just 'minimal maintenance gardening', allow everything to just grow and just have completely wild gardens in keeping with the environment that surrounds us... sounds good but unfortunately not really realistic. Ah well, I guess I will just have to get by with moaning!


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