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Loch Ness Musings


Monday 31 May 2010


Only two weeks now to the biggest event of the year on Loch Ness - Rockness. For three days the population of the whole of the Loch Ness area will increase 20 fold! Fiona tells me that today when she went in to Inverness, they have started on putting up all the barriers, arenas etc that goes with staging such an event. I hope that they get a weekend like they did two years ago when the sun shone from start to finish and a good time was had by all....well lets be honest some will have had such a good time they can't remember anything about it! I went along with a friend on the Saturday afternoon in 2008 and really enjoyed the atmosphere and even some of the music. However, being just about the oldest people there, we left before the real partying began! Then again I did say in an earlier blog that Blondie are playing this year...


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