Hazelgrove self catering accommodation overlooking Loch Ness in the Highlands of Scotland
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Loch Ness Musings


Tuesday 25 May 2010

Wave power on Loch Ness

A new ring shaped device has been installed recently on Loch Ness to harness wave power for the generation of electricity. Developed by Inverness based AWS Ocean Energy it is smaller scale than the 'real thing' which they hope to have ready for testing in 2012.
But what a perfect place to test it.. - safe ( for such a device) and secure waters but at the same time waters which, as all local people know,can generate sizeable waves. When the wind blows from the west up the length of the Great Glen, by the time it gets to Loch Ness the resultant waves can be big! We often tell guests that sometimes looking out on Loch Ness can be like looking out to sea in a severe gale. Here's a couple of photos which show this I think!


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