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Loch Ness Musings


Monday 7 June 2010

Fiona's Banana Ice cream

I've always liked ice cream! Growing up as a teenager it was a staple dessert in our household.(probably because it didn't require any preparation and in a household of 3 boys my mother had enough to do!) Didn't matter that it was usually just vanilla or, as a treat, strawberry, I was always happy to consume vast quantities.
Fast forward 30 years and I still like ice cream, except now Fiona makes it for guests in all kins of flavours so I get to consume yogurt ice cream, coconut, chocolate, pineapple and best of all.. banana... If I could have one thing if stranded on a desert island it would be Fiona's banana ice cream (ok, so I might take her sticky toffee pudding also )Fiona tells me the receipe banana ice cream says it is' for children'. Humm.. is she trying to tell me something?


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