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Loch Ness Musings


Friday 4 June 2010

Led Zeppelin and Hazelgrove Cottage

Ah who would have thought! The other day I was chatting with a friend who used to own Hazelgrove cottage which is now our self catering next to Evergreen. We were talking about famous people we had met or knew ( very few in my case!) when out of the blue my friend says 'yeah I remember the time I chatted over the fence at Hazelgrove with Robert Plant from Led Zeppelin.... nice, friendly guy'!! Needless to say I almost fell off my seat.. For those of of a certain age Led Zeppelin were at one time the greatest 'rock n roll' band in the world. To think that he has been here!!! Of course you may ask why such a rock star would be here in Inverfarigaig walking past Hazelgrove. Well, in the late 60's Jimmy Page of Led Zeppelin owned the infamous Boleskine House of Aleister Crowley notority and the house is a mere one mile from us here at Evergreen and Hazelgrove. So, here is a photo of Hazelgrove just so that you can see the said fence overwhich Robert Plant chatted....


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