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Loch Ness Musings


Wednesday 23 June 2010

Lack of rain

I note this past few days in the press that comment is at last being made about how dry it has been over the past few months in parts of the Highlands. An article which appeared in the Press & Journal said that people in Knoydart ( one of the remotest areas in Scotland) face an electricity shortage due to the very dry spring threatening generation of power through their hydro electric scheme.I'm sure there will be more shortages elsewhere unless things change soon. I have never seen some of the reservoirs so low, and Loch Ness is also at it's lowest level for many years. So low infact that here on the south side you can clearly see the 'shelf' which extends out a short distance from the shore before the loch deepens dramatically plunging down to over 600ft.
But then again the weather at the weekend was beautiful showing off the Highlands at their very best. After a very bright hot day, when I drove home from Fort William on Saturday night there was still light in the sky at midnight!


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