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Loch Ness Musings


Friday 18 June 2010

West Highland Way Race

In for an interesting weekend... same as last year my brother and his wife are over from to Canada to run (yes run!!) the West Highland Way non stop from Milngavie on the edge of Glasgow, to Fort William, a distance of 96 miles!( http://www.westhighlandwayrace.org/) All being well it should take them approximately 28 hours. Despite my love of running I'm not joining them on this one but rather, along with my other brother, providing the support crew. Last year I did join in at about half way in what turned out to be an 'overnight epic' from Glencoe to Fort William. The one thing I will never forget is looking across to the Blackwater Reservoir from the Devil's Staircase at 1am in the morning and light still in the sky. It was a vision of stark almost primeaval beauty that I think epitomises much of our scenery here in the Highlands. Last year I didn't manage to take any photos (as I was too busy concentrating on survival!)but hopefully tomorrow I can get some good shots!


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