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Loch Ness Musings


Wednesday 30 June 2010

Summer Entertainment

There is, as one would expect, many events on in Inverness and around Loch Ness this summer. This is my top five which if you are in the area you simply don't want to miss!!

1. Inverness Highland Games, 24th July: Staged in the Northern Meeting Park, the games this year have joined with Inverness Armed forces Day to create one of Scotland's largest and most spectacular summer events. ( see www.invernesshighlandgames.com)
2. The Caledonian Canal Ceilidh Trail, 12th July -16th August: For over a month talented young musicians will play traditional music mixed with song and dance at over 45 different events around Loch Ness Inverness and the Caledonian Canal (see www.highland.gov.uk/caledonian-canal-ceilidh-trail)
3. The Black Isle Show, 4th-5th August: The biggest agricultural show in the north - a great day out for the family!(see www.blackisleshow.info )
4. Belladrum Tartan Heart Festival, 6th-7th August: My favourite, with an amazing mix of music of all genres, theatre, comedy, poetry reading - you name it this festival has something for all ages! (see www.tartanheartfestival.co.uk)
5. Inverness Book Festival, 12th-15th August: For those who like a simply like a good read on holiday!(see www.invernessbookfestival.co.uk )


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