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Loch Ness Musings


Sunday 4 July 2010

Good running but...

Took myself off on a great new run the other day high in to the Monadhliaths Mountains. Starting at about 200m I followed an estate road up to near the summit of Beinn Bhuraich at 780 metres. It was very warm but worth the effort as the views all around were amazing. But, and it's a big but, I probably would not have done this route had it not been for the estate road which it has to be said is an ugly and very steep scar on the landscape which can be seen for miles. How they managed to put it in I do not know - it is so steep that coming down I could barely keep my feet from sliding under me. The fact that they did put it in is monument to our planning legislation which currently allows landowners to undertake such desicration of wilderness areas with impunity. So it was good running but if only the road the landowner had put in was less of an eyesore!


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